In November, 2009, voters in Cuyahoga County approved a charter to establish a new form of government for the county. The commissioner-row officer model that has been in effect for more than 200 years will end on December 31, 2010. A County Executive and eleven County Council members will take office on January 1, 2011.
The planning process is underway for the new county government. Three senior county staff members have been appointed to the Transition Advisory Group (TAG) to manage the transition process.
TAG is being assisted by an appointed 7 person executive committee, the Greater Cleveland Partnership, and New Cuyahoga Now. Assistance is also provided by citizen volunteers and current county staff in Planning Workgroups which include: Public Engagement, Justice Services, Human Services, Information and Technology, Human Resources, Procurement and Public Works, Economic Development, Boards and Commissions, Campaign Finance, and Code of Ethics.
Best sources for further information:
Cuyahoga County homepage: then click on the "CHARTER TRANSITION" logo
League of Women Voters Cuyahoga area:
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections: