Wednesday, May 20, 2009

LWV Ohio Convention News

The League of Women Voters of Ohio (LWV-Ohio) held its biennial state convention May 1-3 in Dublin, Ohio. The gathering gave nearly 70 League members from the 33 Leagues around the state the opportunity to celebrate the organization’s accomplishments and to discuss important public policy issues impacting communities across Ohio. Convention delegates adopted a program of policy issues for the biennium and approved resolutions calling for action on issues ranging from raising Ohio’s personal income tax to redistricting and election-administration reform to environmental, education and energy conservation issues.

For more information about the recent convention, visit

Spring Arrives With Town Hall Meetings Around Ohio

Spring was the onset of a slew of LWV Ohio Education Fund’s Impact Town Hall Meetings in Ohio. Town Hall Meetings were held in Delaware, Columbus, Bowling Green, Marion, Perrysburg, and Portsmouth on topics concerning Redistricting, Judicial Reform and Election Law. These issues also brought into the discussions tax issues and the importance of accurate counting in the coming census for determining how federal funds will be distributed.

For more information about the Impact project’s town hall meetings and the interactive presentation, How Ohio Government Impacts You, visit

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Money in Politics

For information about what campaign funds are received by your legislators, visit the following websites:

Ohio Secretary of State - Campaign Finance

Open Secrets

Ohio Citizen Action/Money in Politics

To understand more about Campaign Finance, visit LWV Ohio's Impact project website.

And to find information about candidates in Cuyahoga County, call the Campaign and Voters Services Department of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections at (216) 443-3231. You will be able to get a form that you'll have to fill out indicating which candidates, which election cycle, and so on. You'll be charged 3 cents per page. You can also visit the BOE in person.

View Photos From LWV Events

Not only can you click on the photo box (in the right-hand column of this page) to view all the photos from many of the exciting League events, you may also print them out! How cool is that?!