"Thanks to the wisdom of 234,349 voters last November, Cuyahoga County has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rebuild its government virtually from scratch. The challenge is huge: Create a new structure that will deliver services efficiently and humanely, foster desperately needed economic growth and be a model of civic cooperation." Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial 1/31/10
"A dozen committees will rethink the work of Cuyahoga County governance... More than 1,000 community volunteers have signed up to work on the transition -- a testament to the importance that ordinary citizens attach to this task."
"The transition group needs to produce a proposal for reorganization by fall, in time to present it to the newly elected leaders and to make sure outgoing officials can approve measures to assure needed continuity. It also should generate ideas not just on short-term operations, but on long-term ways to rethink independent agencies, intergovernmental relations and even state or federal mandates. If that interests you, there's still time to volunteer at":
Another Plain Dealer article from January 29, 2010, outlines, in detail, the structure of the effort