Monday, November 16, 2009

Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority

The League of Women Voters position the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority (CCCPA) is available HERE. The League's complete study is HERE.

An excerpt from the study:

August, 2007
To the Citizens of Cuyahoga County,

In 2002, voters passed a levy in support of the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority (Port Authority). The Port Authority is a special district government that exerts considerable influence on land use planning, use of the waterfront and financing economic development. In 2007, the voters of Cuyahoga County could be asked to approve a renewed or significantly increased tax levy for the Port Authority.

Because it appeared that the community at large knew little about the Port Authority, the League of Women Voters of the Cleveland Area established a committee to study this important body.

Since that time committee members have attended Port Authority Board meetings, studied documents, researched the Ohio Revised Code governing port authorities, and interviewed officials in an attempt to understand the role and functions of the Port Authority. They also interviewed Board members, staff, Cleveland City officials and executives of companies that have direct contact with the Port Authority.

This study attempts to illuminate the workings of the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, its functions within the community, its spending of tax money, its impact on shipping and its plans for the future.

This is the committee’s best effort to accurately present complex information to the voting public.

Penny Jeffrey
Penny Jeffrey, President
Chair, Port Authority Committee