Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Women's Equality Day Celebrated

On August 26, 2010, one hundred League members and friends celebrated "90 Years of Women Making Waves" on the Goodtime III. It was a wonderful evening filled with good food, fellowship, and acknowledgement of the sacrifice and dedication of the women who helped promote women's equality in the United States.

The League of Women Voters was founded ninety years ago. Today the LWV has more than 150,000 members and supporters and 850 Leagues throughout all 50 states.

The colors of the suffragist flag are purple, white, and gold. They stand for justice, purity (of purpose), and courage. There are thirty six stars on the flag and they represent the states that ratified the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Ohio was one of these. In fact, it was the sixth state to do so, along with Kansas and New York on June 16, 1919. click here to read more

LWV Ohio News

The Ohio League is really being sought out to give input on legislation —from the drafting stage to legislative hearings and media interviews on issues including redistricting, campaign finance reform / transparency, election administration and energy conservation.

Since mid-January, League issue specialists have met with more than three dozen legislators to provide expert information; testified six times; wrote an op ed requested and published by the Toledo Blade; and participated in two press conferences, a variety of newspaper interviews, and a radio and a television program.

For more Ohio League information, visit and visit their new blog:

LWV United States

The projects and programs that LWVUS are currently working on:
For more LWVUS information, visit and visit their Facebook page

Regionalism and County Govn't Information

Background information on the League's work regarding Regionalism and County Government can be found in our "Program" section of the website.

**Please Note: The 'announcement' section has a search tool if you need to find specific information from a past post.