Monday, January 5, 2009

LWVUS 2009 Legislative Priorities

The LWV of the United States (LWVUS) Board announces Global Climate Change and Health Care to be the top legislative priorities for the upcoming year. Top priority issues are ones on which major congressional action is expected and on which the LWVUS will seek to be an active player.

Tier two priorities are Election Reform and DC Voting Rights. Tier two issues will be acted upon if significant success is possible, though top priorities will take precedence.

Tier three issues could be subject for LWVUS action only if good opportunities present themselves, and there is no pressing action on top priority and tier two issues. Tier three issues we are watching are: Campaign Finance Reform; CEDAW (the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women); Civil Liberties; Ethics; and Redistricting.

The LWVUS prioritizes legislative issues for advocacy in order to focus limited resources on those issues where it is considered the League can have a meaningful impact and there is member interest and opportunity for progress.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Court Report

A study of the feasibility of a family court for Cuyahoga County was adopted at the 2006 annual meeting of the LWV Cuyahoga Area. Among other things, the study committee learned of problems people face in trying to resolve family issues - custody of children, divorce, domestic violence, abuse, neglect, custody of children whose parents never married, etc. The complete report can be found here.

Regionalism: United We Stand, Divided We Fall? Feb. 26

Beginning on January 29 and continuing on February 12 and February 26 the Hudson Library and Historical Society will co-sponsor a series of three programs regarding Regionalism with Leagues of Women Voters of Akron Area, Cleveland Area, Cuyahoga Area, Greater Youngstown, Hudson and Trumbull County, to be hosted by LWV Hudson. More information.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Commission on County Govern't Reform: Feb. 2, 11

The final report of the Commission can be found here. Please note: because the Commission's work has been completed, their website has been disabled. There will be two meetings in February to discuss the report. Visit our calendar for details.

Meet International Political Consultant: Feb 10

The League of Women Voters invites the public to hear a special presentation by Bay native Lee Peterson, international political consultant with the firm Parliamentary Liaison Services in London, England. Titled Democracy Under Siege: A Global Perspective, his talk is set for Tuesday, February 10, starting at 7:00 pm, at Bay Middle School, 27725 Wolf Road, Bay Village. For more information, visit our press release section on our website.